Partner of Business Support, Services and Solution.

Based on excellent service, technology, qualified human resource.

Always have innovation and transformation of changes.

Gives improvement and sustainability through Business Diversification.
Portal Pelanggan


17439 employee

Total manpower

40 work partners

Total of partners

9 province in Indonesia

Total of work areas

Began with PT Pelindo III (Persero) concern and responsibility on human resource prosperity, especially outsourcing labors that has to be improved and this goal can only be accomplished if they are professionally managed.

On that basis, PT Pelindo III (Persero) established a subsidiary that specializing in managing outsourcing, that later named PT Pelindo Daya Sejahtera


Great Attitude, Excellent Performance

Sikap Hebat
Kinerja Hebat


Ramah dan melaksanakan tugas dengan bahagia, lambang optimisme, simpati, keceriaan, dan berpikir positif


Ikhlas dan bersahabat, kasih sayang kepada manusia, meningkatkan hubungan interpersonal


Sapaan yang hangat dan akrab, bentuk kesiapan melayani


Bentuk apresiasi yang tinggi, ungkapan hormat, dan membangun ikatan dengan pelanggan

Doa dan Harapan

mendoakan kebaikan pelanggan, antara lain doa kesehatan, keselamatan, kebahagiaan, kelancaran dan rezeki

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ISO 9001:2015

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Why must PDS ?

PT PDS management implements the EDUOUTSOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, an outsourcing management system that not only equips employees with competencies through education and training, but also educates customers in new ways to achieve the best results through controlling costs, reducing risk, fostering collaboration and increased transparency. In addition, PT PDS implements Quality Management continuously and consistently, supported by Competency-Based Human Resources Management, followed by a real-time monitoring and control system, as well as continuous coaching and mentoring.